Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Glory of God is man, fully alive!

"The Glory of God is man fully alive" ~St. Irenaeus
Man = Sinful = Fall Short of God's Glory.
Man is NOT = to God's glory
When man was first created by God in His image, it is to glorify Him. Man was in full communion with God. We were fully alive, taking care of the things He entrusted us.
But... The moment man choose to disobey, sin entered into our lives and broke our communion with God. The wages of sin is death. That instant, we are no longer fully alive. We no longer live the life God intended us to live.
God loves us. He sent Jesus down as man to die for our sins. Jesus came to earth as man. He had no sins. He was the only man who was fully alive. The glory of God was fully revealed in the life of Jesus. Jesus was His Son. The Son without sins, the Son whom God is well pleased with.
Jesus came to give us life “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10)
The purpose of God—the very thing He’s staked His reputation on—is man coming fully alive?
He gave Jesus... To cover us with His blood. He wants us to repent... To die to our sins... To live the life He intended us to live.. He wants us to be resurrected with Jesus, that we may become fully alive, that we may reveal His glory.

How great the love He has for me! How can i forget... How can i stay away... How can i not be drawn towards... God keep me close to You... If there is anything He can take away, take away my choice of running away from Him. Take away that choice of not choosing Him. God... take it away...